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Thursday, July 7, 2011

The greed for understanding

The greed for understanding

demands an explanation!

How can that be greed?

We don’t understand enough!

We seem to feature that understanding

is our passport to the future.

But by understanding

over the last hundred years,

we have come into

a more ritualized form of denial.

Understanding as if it were knowledge

has become a political enterprise.

If knowledge is power

then the use of information

as mis and dis information

in the form of knowledge

has provided a manipulative means

to lure and to capture

how and what people hold to be true.

One form of this is news.

Local or national news offers us

varied forms of indoctrination

as relevancy conveys impotency.

The form and manner of presentation

is somewhat subversive

and inflammatory

and decidedly so as attention grabbers.

Yes, it does entertain the mind

as if news was a business enterprise

but there is little or no action to resolve.

It becomes hard to separate

the business of news

from the relevancy of news.

News worthiness is the incentive

of the business to grab attention

not necessarily

to provide relevant substance.

Just as medicine as a business

is developed to treat the symptoms,

news is assembled as a business

to capture attention, relevancy aside.

As long as news

perpetuates the active use

of short attentions spans,

there is a built in safe guard

of impotent response.

It is as if facts as knowledge

are on this conveyer belt

passing before us

and our job is to view the passing

of anything on that belt

with consciousness.

But in doing so,

we train ourselves away

from personal dynamic relevancy

into smaller dominions

of self involvement and more as

participants in a contrivance

of selection and a collusion away

from self-constructive means.

In many instances,

all that can be done is to listen

and to lament

as a next moment’s means.

This is an entrainment process

that allows for more passivity

as the immediate response

but it does not diminish the hunger

for interactive lives that are

moment to moment meaningful

and rich in being so.

Knowledge that has been reduced

to acquisition seems to encourage

greed as a method of solution.

It is a business based on

psychological profiling towards profit

from doing so just as much

if not more so as airline prices

based on factors of purchase

and predicaments of the buyer

as a means of leveraging prices

for ticket purchase.

The same is so for pet products

in general in that the profit margins

are enhanced by this means of leverage

based on a psychologically influenced

need on the part of the buyer

and yet this is still considered ethical

by business standards.

There is such prominence

to this phenomenon,

that people are entertained

by surveillance reality

as well as spectatorship.

And as so, winning and motive

are the goals of observation

in these styles.

Attention, as time spent,

yields financial rewards

to any of these methods

that harvest peoples’ focus

into a seduction of purchase

or feigned agreement by passivity

as in a silent majority

using their counter technique

of withdrawal.

Understanding should be a method

of right means

and not acquisition as solution.

Understanding should be a ritual

of immersion, realization, integration

and subsequent creative expressive means. Understanding is not to become

a custodial exercise

of hording knowledge

as presentable facts

or a wardrobe of information

to be manipulated into projections

of disguise for intentional means.

Understanding is working

towards empathy.

It should be from holograms

of shared creation.

Just as gold is of value in the minds

fostered by scarcity,

knowledge as wealth

is only operative

as self-sacred

in forward thinking ways. . .

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