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Saturday, November 14, 2009

The perplex of being

trapped by the engagement

of self-conscious surveillance

that churns into summary

as internal quips and responses

after the green room of self doubt

equipped with projective masks

scheduled appearance exposes

deftly concealing self-judgments

working at the cognitions

as if as a greeter

but really still held and withheld

as a hostage from within

plaintive towards character claims

displays of poise and presence

confidence as a stall-point pose

but vacant of substantive self-resolve

really, self is so undisclosed

yet baring in determination’s stance

for there is less than ease

behind the easiness presented

justification is a familiarity

as a self without a comfort zone

all of self is under scrutiny

in apprehension's feedback survey

surely love is often given off

but promoted as given forth

yet not as clearly

is self seen as given from

but there is no share

in that journey’s goal

for few have ever loved

from where love self-heals

anything said of this nature

is critical before it is true

this reveals of what remains

unsolved as the perplex of being

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