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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

wonderment versus recognition


I made recognition step back. 

yes, step back,

from being the first responder. 

and instead, 

had wonderment put to the task.

recognition is a flatliner, 

as it names everything, noun-dead.

wonderment is the surprising in the moment.

wonderment is featuring 

the immerse and the captivate,

the trickle-down of curiosity,

the in-depth of inwardness,

having at, a creative integrative liveliness.

yes, recognition gives me a warm blanket 

but of ongoing almost pseudo-indifference,

as a sensory of wallpapered-ness,

of an ever-achieving method 

for ongoing sensory environment.

a sense of connecting the dots 

towards a very knowing passage,

on an extended parade route, 

filling the sensories of my day.

wonderment looses my sense of balance, 

alters the cadence of my viewing method,

and changes the sequencing 

of the breathing to my life.

recognition is the perusal usage 

of a still camera to living.

wonderment brings out the quality of play 

as a measurement-loss of time passage.

recognition gives a tedium for passive caring.

wonderment asks out of need. 

what inquiry of want 

and how do I be here for that?

recognition becomes a drive by 

of incessancy and a repetition of cares.

wonderment is always in an initial class 

of paint-carving query, 

done in the first person, 

as itself, as the ongoing-art, 

speaks for itself.

recognition becomes a book,

with no back cover. 

birth was the front,

and death will be the back.

recognition underscores the measures for life 

and calmly contributes to the livingness.

yet, they both, recognition and wonderment,

simultaneously live 

in the same neighborhood 

of the consciousness of me . . .

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