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Saturday, May 4, 2024

ever so mindfully

the peacefulness of the wild,

the last breath, 

of somberness going extinct,

the roadkill 

of open lands,

a photograph's afterlife, 

as something real.

is this the aroma 

of afterthoughts brewing?

what journeys of mindful ponder.

delicates of passage,

to inwardly witness.

what zest of thought, 

brought to light,

that emotion can immerse in,

without anything,

but an inner reveal.

what internal spacial-ness 

is to emotion-speak,

that mindfulness can be, 

in audience aware.

please take the hand of my mind

and ever so mindfully, 

walk me through,

your peacefulness 

of the wild,

your last breath 

of somberness, 

going extinct,

your roadkill 

of open lands,

and your photograph's afterlife 

as something we share

as real . . .

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