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Thursday, May 30, 2024

noun as negative affirmation

every noun is indirectly,

an affirmation of self, 

as separate from what it is claiming.

objectification is the remiss 

in isolation from the all, 

as if oneness, unclaimed.

languaging is that lament 

of mindfulness by this separation.

the tonality of spokenness 

is always seeking harmonic accord,

yet conversation exchanged 

is a subtle battleground 

of unconscious discord.

inwardly speaking to one-self 

is an odds-on attempt 

at rebalancing mental and emotional.

from the mental side,

this is an attempt at kindredness 

yet from within,

longing to be vigilant of the heart.

in this light,

mindfulness as languaged experience

is, as a narrative, 

an exaggeration 

of our mutual ongoing existence . . .

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