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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

celestial ponder


celestial ponder,

is to take delight beyond,

from no apparent reasoning,

as if imagining this moment becomes

above conclusions reach.

no summary input garnered,

as if a weighting on

one's forwarding presence.

to be of what sensing offers,

but not as audience to it.

more of the instincts to emersed

as the surge of inwardness,

outwardly expressing.

as if blessing is the embrace 

of next moments as forthcoming,

basking in their freshness unclaimed.

as if zeal, 

before it had purpose,

before knowledge had itself,

as enterprise,

before personage was actualized 

as a self.

to be of,

all zing and zoom, 

without movement expressing.


as if groundedness with every upturn.

vibratory is within exhilaration's claims.

celestial ponder,

showing of itself, 

as emanative grace  . . . 

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