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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

gifting myself


there is a gift, 

that I gave to my critical mind, 

to be in the say 

of watercolor designs.

no more the gospel of truth,

blurted out as an uprising

in under-breath ways,

as if my memory is biblical. 

now is of the sight of render.

input takes on softness and hues,

so that everything said,

takes on a softness, 

as if subtlety on display,

looking to please sight with offerings,

that mesmerize is brought to ponder.

transfixed on immersion, 

brought into contemplatives,

then say as tonal embodiment. 

to take as meaningful

from rain-fresh displays.

nurturance offered up 

for the self, listening,

from the palate of my mind . . .

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