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Thursday, May 9, 2024

beyond the speak of occupancy

how to speak of occupancy,

from within its boundary-less presence.

not in spectator terms,

not a witness to it,

but immersed within.

there is nothing to say,

if of audience or bystander status.

all of one's terminology is referential.

no, I am trying to say from within,

where words only point out,

as if we are observing,

and that does not take us there.

there is no inner residence

by that means.

so to say,

without distracting,

we are the energy of this.

we are the hum, the phrenic, 

the emotional beingness

yet brought to the distraction burden 

of recognition,

as if acknowledgment.

no, not wanting to go there.

want to be in a luminosity,

to be of an awe,

without witnessing as acknowledging,

to be vibrational beyond language's reach,

to be so composite,

as to be of one resonance beaming,

so deeply so,

that one cannot take an experience of it away.

to be of an essence,

without comparative truth possible.

possibly for a now,

a memory of wholism from emersion,

but incomplete and far-fetched as to remember.

unlike anything of comparison,

a sense of wholeness as within, 

vibration without sensory audience,

as if imagine becomes 

the ocean you are in

or the sky of everywhere 

without boundary care.

all of humanness 

as spirit, in as one,

where nothing referential remains.

embodiment beyond definitional means,

as if no gravity, no space configuration,

and only the now,

as if time could be that reverent.

we meet, 

as having never been of separate,

personal traits dissolved,

for there is nothing relational presenting.

we are one of mindfulness,

surrendering is a recognition,

a history, 

a sense of self as being, relinquished.

no more make,

no more do,

no more thoughtfulness to be.

resolved, absolved, dissolved,

with no more speak of occupancy . . . 

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