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Thursday, May 2, 2024

the two of you

my sense of personal purpose is leather-bound.

even though, as a subtle inner dialogue manifest, 

it hasn't yet been formally written out.

I'm working on these nuance wisdom discoveries, 

between the internal presence of my static-ness 

as opposed to living in verifiable stillness,

between the mesmerization, I experience from embrace 

and the found-lostness within being immersed,

between the inner fascination with exterior glow 

and the wonderment-spellbound from illumined,

between the burdening of experienced over-played

and the blessedness of beingness in the moment,

between the passive-aggressive-ness of vitality 

and the inwardly directed sense of aliveness,

between the constancy in vigil of being self-aware, 

and the unfathomable notion of all of us as oneness,

between the ever-ripeness of wisdom mentality

and the illusive ongoings of subtle inner isness,

between personal animation of projected self-worth,

and the inner radiance made elusively self-evident,

between me being physically active 

and me being consciously spirited,

between being outwardly service-oriented, 

and being inwardly intimately self-sacred,

between being solidly reality-directed, 

and being profoundly inward beckoned,

between being projectively personable, 

and being quietly self-possessed,

between being approach-ably knowledgable 

and being subtle as an endearing presence,

between succumbing to circumstance,

or inwardly surrendering to higher cause,

between having a personal calling,

or feeding on a spiritual sense of deliverance,

between being burdened with circumstance

versus passing the moment fully delighted,

between casually being fully accountable

versus being steadfast in purposeful delight,

yes, there is, the two of you,

bound to be positional,

always pitched between two options.

in one's bicameral mind,

for there is always 

and yet only,

the act-out happening

from somewhere, 

within two of you . . .

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