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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

and still be

taking sooth, 

beyond the impact 

of being meaningful.

to embrace someone, 

who is the energetic truth of you.

to find, in a mirror, 

an emotional truth teller, 

facing you.

to be on a mountaintop, so vast, 

yet without horizon lines in view.

to pull up a clear night sky, 

as if warm covers blanketing you.

experience every yawn, 

as if the ongoing of sensuousness to the max.

stretch yourself long, 

as the full length of a river.

cultivate a sense of immediacy, 

before its time has come.

have lips 

that can full bodied embrace, 

with a kiss.

be the sin of admittance, 

as self sincerity.

be of a mental clarity, 

where choice is optional.

have a philosophy for living, 

that is, non-summational.

find the you, 

as yourself, 

to be quite endearing.

to be of a presence, 

as if a fragrance calling.

be suddenly governed, 

by a set of rules 

that never make it to the imperative.

so when our eyes meet, 

eye to eye, 

I close my eyes to separateness.

so please, hold the hand of my attention, 

while I survey the universe.

to lay in my bed of survey 

as a soulful blessed beingness.

to be an animated creature, 

having many veins, 

but vanity not one of them.

to be of a spider quality, 

daily homespun, 

and always subtle breeze aware.

to lay down with a large boulder, 

and listen to it talk in it's sleep.

and to blink an eternity of forgiveness 

and still be in stillness,

looking for love . . .

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