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Friday, May 17, 2024

living isness

to be so small, 

beyond hiddenness.

can't be spotted, 

by search means.

outside the area 

of sensory observation,

yet beckoning, 

in a constant manner.


but without gathering.


without stated claim.


what awareness offers,

yet too non-specific, 

to be formally noticed.

somehow not where, 

where can be claimed.

details circumstance, 

but beyond belief.


part of the living truth, 


is in and of every thing

and all non-things.

has motion, 

as its ongoing status.

features deliverance, 

only in the now,

yet claiming no recognition, 

other than here and not.

recognition only lives simply, 

in a spectator's view.

has a claimed itness, 

as if labeling represents.

for we are all 

some of its vibratory composition,

yet vacantly active, 

behind, beneath and within.

such is the silent whisper, 

of living isness . . .

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