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Friday, May 10, 2024

emanative of love


to find in the emanative of love, 

when it's happening, 

that you're a living, 


beyond time contentions or restraints.

in the passivity of ruthless radiance,

there's ongoing, 

as an emanative outpouring. 

beyond the range of auric intent,

in frequencies that permeate, 

that beguile the inquisitive

into inwardly driven wonder.

that suddenly give fresh-eyes

to the souls, 

of nearby passage.

there, where wonder never ceases to amaze.

where the mind is taken into service,

there, to willingly express, 

as if an emotional escort,

to where meaning gives way

to the in-depth of feel.

feel, revealing dimensions, 

otherwise undisclosed.

ways of vibrational embrace,

that border on sensual immersion,

that shed the self-domain,

for a greater sense of heart-full-ness, 

otherwise kept deeply in restraint.

there to find 

in the emanative of love, 

when it's happening, 

that you're a living-ness, 

bestowed upon all others . . .

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