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Monday, May 27, 2024

the un-recognizable-ness


in a spaceless space,

before the nature of time,

before understanding renders us as audience, 

there was an is

without audience potential.

being was not a cognitive rendering,

to be, before existence realized.

if time, it was not referential. 

if space occupancy, 

it was not evidential.

be had the integrity of isness,

yet experience had no sensory evidence.

now did not possess recognitionals.

timeless essence,

without conger or account,

just the outpour of now

in non-dimensional means.

yet means had no display format,

no presence in time or sensory ways.

cognition had yet to be conceived.

even cognition had no syntax for inception.

to be, without any experience wardrobe.

mindfulness of now is a chase after,

as if conceptual is 

a mediumship of registry or account.

there was no thought 

or the invention of thought.

isness had no stance of acknowledgment. 

so image if you,

as a oneness of you,

had no output, 

as if can act out. 

and no needs of intake,

as if fullness 

before sensory provides. 

you have emotion

in the way that river has flow,

the way wind is jubilantly anonymous, 

the way of existence between thoughts.

or the unnamable soul 

that everyone claims as theres,

as the grain of self 

on the beach of ocean's recognition.

yet before liquidity had a means of identity.

our reality is graffiti, 

written on the surface of time bound graffiti,

written on the mediumship of comprehension,

scented upon our sense of spirit,

as if a fragrance without source,

distinction without means,

essence beyond being time bound or distinct.

for us to throw words,

while we dissolve the bastard of cognitive means.

as if sacred has no audience 

and there is no turning ours backs 

on or from, 

the un-recognizable-ness of being . . .

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