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Friday, May 31, 2024



to play on a stringed instrument,

with an endless fabric of strings.

some for tuning,

some for plucking.

melody not telling which. 

wearing the sound as the moment.

humming sneaks into sing along.

pluck versus strum. 

the other hand holding, 

for emotional placement.

they are the expression of the being,

while the instrument of self 

is expressing.

no audience,

no stage,

just the amphitheater of self,

resounding to the vex of being . . .

Thursday, May 30, 2024

noun as negative affirmation

every noun is indirectly,

an affirmation of self, 

as separate from what it is claiming.

objectification is the remiss 

in isolation from the all, 

as if oneness, unclaimed.

languaging is that lament 

of mindfulness by this separation.

the tonality of spokenness 

is always seeking harmonic accord,

yet conversation exchanged 

is a subtle battleground 

of unconscious discord.

inwardly speaking to one-self 

is an odds-on attempt 

at rebalancing mental and emotional.

from the mental side,

this is an attempt at kindredness 

yet from within,

longing to be vigilant of the heart.

in this light,

mindfulness as languaged experience

is, as a narrative, 

an exaggeration 

of our mutual ongoing existence . . .

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

wonderment versus recognition


I made recognition step back. 

yes, step back,

from being the first responder. 

and instead, 

had wonderment put to the task.

recognition is a flatliner, 

as it names everything, noun-dead.

wonderment is the surprising in the moment.

wonderment is featuring 

the immerse and the captivate,

the trickle-down of curiosity,

the in-depth of inwardness,

having at, a creative integrative liveliness.

yes, recognition gives me a warm blanket 

but of ongoing almost pseudo-indifference,

as a sensory of wallpapered-ness,

of an ever-achieving method 

for ongoing sensory environment.

a sense of connecting the dots 

towards a very knowing passage,

on an extended parade route, 

filling the sensories of my day.

wonderment looses my sense of balance, 

alters the cadence of my viewing method,

and changes the sequencing 

of the breathing to my life.

recognition is the perusal usage 

of a still camera to living.

wonderment brings out the quality of play 

as a measurement-loss of time passage.

recognition gives a tedium for passive caring.

wonderment asks out of need. 

what inquiry of want 

and how do I be here for that?

recognition becomes a drive by 

of incessancy and a repetition of cares.

wonderment is always in an initial class 

of paint-carving query, 

done in the first person, 

as itself, as the ongoing-art, 

speaks for itself.

recognition becomes a book,

with no back cover. 

birth was the front,

and death will be the back.

recognition underscores the measures for life 

and calmly contributes to the livingness.

yet, they both, recognition and wonderment,

simultaneously live 

in the same neighborhood 

of the consciousness of me . . .

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

essence has no needs


questioning the hypothesis, 

before the hypothesis is in the form 

of questioning.

doubting the effectiveness of doubt,

before doubt implores its effectiveness.

so how does 'how' work,

when the nature of the rigor of how

is in question?

what mindfulness is there

beyond the mindful rhetoric,

used to represent a languaged approach?

if I am not at the use of words,

then where within 

does the consternation of immediacy arise from?

if I am before a languaged approach,

before I am mindfully aware,

then who of me is that there,

without logic or words?

am I a sensibility 

that can't account for itself by reason

or even by the evidence of experience?

am I a presence of no expression,

an awareness preoccupied 

with pronouncement as after effect?

recognition then means,

I am late to my own beingness.

I am an experience junkie

that can't get inwardly back to home.

I am ever the exhaust-results of my being,

accounting for, as just remembrance,

yet living beyond my means

of being essentially consciousness,

as if expressively mindful.

there is,

and I am of that,

but woefully lacking in essence.

sure I am,

but not isness aware.

I am of the audience of self-consciousness

and can't cross over this barrier into being.

I am a billboard existence.

my experience is all flashcards 

of the immediate past.

think and thought are producing reverie.

I am a tourist of being

but never purely the home-source.

I am not from here,

but easily pass, as if so.

occasionally I meet someone, 

who I sense is from home.

but they are as baffled as I,

when it comes to present pronouncement.

then, we are mutually baffled

by the confines 

of not knowing of ourselves 

in a deeper way, 

than we can currently mutually sense.

we linger and we long,

and nothing can be said that deeply applies.

eventually, we are many of ourselves,

as if at the bus-stop of the moment.

waiting on what can't be lucidly declared,

as if kept in dimensions of ineptness,

somehow fully justified.

we are all experience addicted,

in some forms of obsessed, habituated,

absorbed, under the influence,

and/or sincerely wedded to.

remembrance is a form of burnout.

futurizing is exacerbating, 

as a conscious presence.

self is a bullhorn of numbness proclaiming,

yet compelled is a timeless state.

yearning has invisible wings.

drawnness has no gravity restraints.


until essence has no need,

to know of itself,

to be . . .

Monday, May 27, 2024

the un-recognizable-ness


in a spaceless space,

before the nature of time,

before understanding renders us as audience, 

there was an is

without audience potential.

being was not a cognitive rendering,

to be, before existence realized.

if time, it was not referential. 

if space occupancy, 

it was not evidential.

be had the integrity of isness,

yet experience had no sensory evidence.

now did not possess recognitionals.

timeless essence,

without conger or account,

just the outpour of now

in non-dimensional means.

yet means had no display format,

no presence in time or sensory ways.

cognition had yet to be conceived.

even cognition had no syntax for inception.

to be, without any experience wardrobe.

mindfulness of now is a chase after,

as if conceptual is 

a mediumship of registry or account.

there was no thought 

or the invention of thought.

isness had no stance of acknowledgment. 

so image if you,

as a oneness of you,

had no output, 

as if can act out. 

and no needs of intake,

as if fullness 

before sensory provides. 

you have emotion

in the way that river has flow,

the way wind is jubilantly anonymous, 

the way of existence between thoughts.

or the unnamable soul 

that everyone claims as theres,

as the grain of self 

on the beach of ocean's recognition.

yet before liquidity had a means of identity.

our reality is graffiti, 

written on the surface of time bound graffiti,

written on the mediumship of comprehension,

scented upon our sense of spirit,

as if a fragrance without source,

distinction without means,

essence beyond being time bound or distinct.

for us to throw words,

while we dissolve the bastard of cognitive means.

as if sacred has no audience 

and there is no turning ours backs 

on or from, 

the un-recognizable-ness of being . . .