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Monday, July 1, 2013

talking with chemical words * 7/1/13

In the brain,
they are talking with chemical words.
What we get from their conversations
is hearsay and summations,
since so many are talking at once
and we are not listening in that way.
Even in restaurants or parties,
there is no close proximity
we can compare.
We don’t even get a first person
candid conversation with any of them.
Sure, we get contact highs
and periods of depression
but no presence directly
on their playing field even though
this is all within our own heads.
Hey this is our neighborhood
of personal influence
but we do not really know
any one of them,
dopamine, nor epinephrine,
and serotonin, in particular.
It’s like a form of heritage
maybe genealogical certainty
although customized and cruising
on the inside, we cater to
the socialized sort of thing,
like we are an advertising firm
hired to deal with public image
and manage persona and projection.
I am not saying there cannot be
a diary or private untold thoughts
but I am saying,
all of that is far removed
from where the action really is happening
but somehow the interface carries on,
somehow we derive a sense of composure,
somehow we claim sovereignty.
We are sold on the hologram.
The internal motherboard
is rarely mentioned.
We have referential terms,
terms of inference,
slang for the eventual results
as they outwardly may appear.
Anybody who is empathic or telepathic
is weird or strange and duly noted
as such, a thousand times a day.
Direct messages are sent to us in passing
but we generally ignore most of them.
We have no rights to self-lexicons
at least not for sharing purposes.
Yes, we can become adrenal junkies,
major depressives, bi-polars,
the giddies and airheads,
but rarely do these wires get crossed
with another human directly.
If so, we go with the ‘vibes theory’
favorable or otherwise.
We create friendships
as if we live in comparable foreign lands
as our alliances demand.
Even the concept of soul mates
is concretized in false representations.
Surely we can name all of these chemicals
as if models of cars on the highway
but do we really know the cargo
or their method’s motion and delivery
and the who of us in receivership?
It’s only our translation
that makes it into a story.
This task force is always at work
and we are always in audience.
But we are only mildly attentive
for they are talking with chemical words
and we are in rough translations
of what it all does and what it all means
towards representing the ‘each’ of us . . .

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