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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lying * 10/25/12

Lying, the nature of lying,
the self-observation of lying,
the act of lying,
the environment of lying,
the consensual understanding
of lying, the moral, amoral,
immoral tenets of lying,
the very fabric upon which
lying has a perceivable existence,
are all postured on a shallow bedrock
that is, in its very presumed way
of life, a collection of falsehoods
and contrivances
and dysfunctional assumptions
that float its relevance
as a keynote to our consciousness.
Yikes, what a sentence!
Okay, let me try
to say this in other ways.
As long as we claim to be
functional from Newtonian mindsets,
lying is a fundamental given.
As long as we are committed
to language as communication
and not the essence of conveyance,
we are subject to a fractional account
as implied but falsely so,
as conclusionary certitudes.
As long as we thrive on depiction
and symbology, agreement to agree,
and the presumptive basis
of expectations, we live in and promote
the land of noble lies
as a way of consciousness.
Noble lies can be trite,
in personal comparisons
or grand as in cultural denials.
Lying is based on what is said
rather than and more importantly so,
where it is said from within.
Self-consciousness is a working member
of the lying core,
either actively or passively,
which then of itself can translate
into acts of omission
or acts of commission.
The work of understanding,
that cannot swim to the source
of the say, is inadequate
but very real for the state
of shared consciousness
assumed to be “reality”!
Unless there is immersive empathy
as a deeply functional primary
in this process, and that this process
is basically quantum in nature
as a oneness, we, as humans,
have pompously decided to
Self-indulgently agree with ourselves
in that entitlement way that begets,
as a side process of fastidiousness,
positionality, which then addresses “lying”.
If we actually “got each other”
in a quantum conscious way,
lying would not exist
and it would be non-operational
since there would be no separation
to use techniques like account,
justification, “now, tell me the truth”,
a court of law, or language
in the fallible ways
we currently imbibe it.
Psychology and ethics,
if they actually existed of then,
would imply profoundly different
and deeper complexities
as immersive understanding.
Phenomenology, may exist as an art form, 
trippy, but not a higher minded way
of oneness embrace.
To claim a diligence
and subsequent imperative
about the impact of lying as fixable
is to deny the basic deep-well nature
of consciousness.
Reality based on content representation
is a falsehood
exceedingly promoted as culture,
government, and the need for social order.
All of this is a preoccupation
dumb-down process.
We seriously damage sensory usage
with judgment, account, expectancy goals,
and linear mindsets
and call that fit and order,
all personal growth.
Language, in its back-story, aliases,
hidden agenda, assumes separation,
in order to frame what is to be said
as import and relevant.
In a quantum way,
we are far from a oneness sense,
as species, as a planet,
or as participants in (our) the universe.
Lying, as an important trivial index,
let’s us know how transcendently far
we, as a oneness, will have to go.
We present and promote the experience
of life to be an unfolding series of,
“to live for” stills. Memorable events,
even just the nature
of these events themselves,
as to how they present a frameable life, 
contribute to the shortcomings
of the flat screen reality of consciousness.
Our notion of addressing integrity,
as if it is a character aspect related to lying,
is as humorously dubious
as a Buddhist premise 
not to consciously intend to kill anything, 
yet driving down a highway
in a car, forfeits insect lives most every mile
of that journey!
The way we have trained our minds
into retention, the way we use ‘implore
and besiege’ with language, 
the massive connectivity implied by symbology,
are all fertile grounds for the cultivation
and the harvest of liars and those
who preoccupy themselves
with their positions as watchdogs on alert
to the lying cult that is out there!
We are not holographically dishonest,
but at this time, and by the means
we use as daily techniques,
we are very limited to be in a consciousness,
as a oneness consciousness.
If we were where lying is an inoperative
then we would get where we,
as apparent individuals, are coming from,
and in doing so, get the shadows,
the blind spots, the vulnerabilities,
the traumas to unravel, the emotional seats 
and hotbeds that need expression
for the spirit to arise and come forth
as the oneness consciousness 
that is in residence but yet unrevealed . . .
When we are the consummate environment
of another being,
they cannot lie to you.
Oh they can lie all they want
but they are not lying to you.
You see the fabric of their circumstance
as their consciousness wholly portrays it
for themselves and you share in that journey
as it expresses you.
If that is so,
it is pointless and distractive for you
to call it out as lying and therefore deny
the benefits you receive
from the deep connectivity with that being
as the journey of experiencing
duly provides . . .

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