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Friday, March 16, 2012

exuding * 3/16/12

First, I sensed it

as an impending,

a forthcoming,

a precipitous presence

somewhere near us.

Somewhere immediate,

right near where we are,

right here, amongst us,

there is this presence.

It is not just whirling

in the mind storm

of any of us

merely by suggestion.

For there is though,

just an edge,

like an aroma's tail

that faintly flexes

out of its camouflage,

infrequently and unevenly.

It is an ever so distinct but minor

yet insistently present.

It seems profoundly muted

or intermittently muffled

from its unrelenting demands.

But no,

it is definitely nearby

yet still vaguely so,

mostly as an ongoing.

It’s like a distant lighthouse’s

ever bright and guiding light

but in a thick dark

new moon night fog,

or more intimately

like an open collective

of human mouths

sounding a shared tone

from deep within,

voicelessly yelling out

for an audience response.

Yes, that is the image

that incessantly comes to mind.

It is soft a cappella,

sung without breath brakes.

It is inadvertently exerting.

It is a continuance.

It is distantly robust

but somehow now

fascinating in mysterious ways.

It is commanding

and yet is restrained.

It is way beyond

what meaning would make of it.

And it continues

with subdued persistence,

still only as an exuding presence,

ever so indistinctly monumental

and doggedly enduring.

Thunder would be expected,

yet it is still only subtly exuding . . .

building towards an abundance

that would clearly

and eventually have its say.

It will pronounce itself.

But for now,

new voices adding to the mix,

as it is still and only exuding,

somewhere amongst us expanding,

imminently close at hand.

Still exuding, a presence of itself,

yet feeling for,

and listening to,

while still,

exuding . . .

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