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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Moral imagination 12/21/11

What is it to see

beyond what is agreed upon

and sighted,

to live beyond

the positionality as so stated,

to find no character of means

before you arrive,

to strip search the implications

after one’s presence is felt,

to find moral as a deep pool

and not as a sergeant of arms,

to have crayons for coloring

coming from the heart,

to seek harmony

rather than stance,

to experience expanse

rather than to justify claims,

to have permission

for further presence

rather than promptness as personage,

to breath in something we can live

rather than extol something to agree,

to discover that virtue

has found us and not vice versa,

to oz the richness

rather than depict the role,

to be the dance

that music searches for,

to be besiege in oneness

as after, during, and before . . .

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