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Sunday, August 22, 2010

The power of purpose (Part 2 of 4)

The power of purpose

is contagious to others

when it is essentially this;

the presence of spirit intentioned

and the passion

of sacred action manifest.

So many of us

directly search for purpose.

So much of purpose that arrives

is of a lesser kind.

It is the purpose

that justifies accountability.

It is a purpose

that answers to justification.

It is a purpose

that is not essentially seeded

in the heart

but it is in a context

suitable amongst others

for agreement’s sake.

It is a purpose of convention

but not of a calling.

Surely it may have spirit

but it is spirit that is subjugated

to the limitations

of others evaluations

and determination.

It may have been purpose

as inspiration

that lost its momentum

in the mire of production

and interpretation by others.

Purpose waylaid by concessions

that lacked the zeal of being

to go on.

Purpose driven by will

eventually lacks soul.

Will, masquerading as passion

as the driver of purpose,

will eventually enroll no one

but will allow others to mule

the original purpose

into fodder for their claims

and then is really

seen no more . . .

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