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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The art of non-expectation-ism

it is almost a DNA

requirement of ours

our brain mapping

appears to almost demand it

we have been

on the “24/7 exercise it” plan

most of our lives

glory to the power

of the retentive mind

and our support towards it

is this truly

our method

for how we really learn?

isn’t retention slyly a method

of reductionism in summary?

are we all of a sudden

the life of common sense

looking for shortcuts in life?

how costly is it

to live in summary

of expectations’ resolve?

does how we frame

eventually limit

really only us?

yes this is all about expectation

language intrinsically does it

fundamentally as communication

supposedly yielding an understanding

more than we agree to agree

meaning implies specifics

to be understood

as if there were no other way

yet expectation seems to go beyond

when did meeting expectations

become the essential payoff?

expectations seem to raise the stakes

of worthy experience

even if expectations are perfectly met

what then is the life

of sequential satisfactory conclusions?

what exactly is the payoff

for the efforts of expectations?

when awareness is consumed

with the consciousness of expectations

what is the fulcrum on this muddledom?

do inner voices of that want

need a muzzling?

is there some witness

beyond the constraints

of this as inner dialogue?

does critical mind ever not work

towards answers as conclusions?

is this observation situation

really a position of self

as self-entitlement?

is expectation a feeding frenzy

on having self as story?

are we just depictions

along the inner narrative?

expectation makes us virtual

as opposed to real

we feature a sort of clipboard checklist

though subtly assigned

and then process accordingly

so is lower expectations

then a path to our happiness?

really “expectationism” is its own world

based upon receivership

as if life were an order

from the apparent common sense menu

what are the hidden assumptions

driving expectations?

and when did expectation

become our way of daily life?

expectation should have been

a learned skill set

at best a back-story

to any moment’s bloom

wonderment has come and gone

as bygone’s do

for the sake of permissions granted

from expectation as the final cause

really there is no now

in any expectation model

the past fires up for the future

the life of the present

is to secure the past

by claiming how the future

has to come and go

and the present negotiates

for the two to meet

without incident

as measured by confusion

and or disappointment

therefore there is an art

to the life of non-expectation-ism

inherent within each of us

yet fully untapped

unto to that origin and cause

we all express bad technique

but still reside though undeveloped

unto the life

lived in the now

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