language itself is pseudonymistic,
in every out-breath of its efforts.
yes, we are alive,
undiminished and clueless.
we have nominology save our asses,
so it seems.
we have relational,
as a deep philosophy of means.
we teach it,
subscribe it,
incessantly demand it.
we override with cognition,
as if to name all legitimate feelings,
as such,
but we don't have the creative resource
to be from the within,
without cognitive,
as this supersede,
as if feelings of origin
have lexicons of usage,
as if feelings have needs
to surface for words to say.
feelings have an original world
before and beyond,
what spoken has to offer.
even the tone of one's voice
has deeper validity,
than what spoken articulation
can lip-service define.
we made cups and saucers of speech,
to sip the fluids of being
and swim with gusto,
rather than melt into a liquidity
of collective presence.
we have higher octaves
of connectivity operative
but we dwell in a prism of response
rather than become
the light of our beings . . .
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