I feel exposed
to the imprisonment of contextuality.
where logic is a trickster of endless means.
intelligence is all but audience perspective.
to where we have come forth
to negotiate the warehouse of earthliness.
let's just say,
there is a beyond of all of that.
and I am deeply attracted
to the myopic idiosyncratic feel,
beyond what I would normally feel.
say a drawnness
to the experience of experiencing.
to delve into the residence
of broadcast itself
as separate
from the residence of reception.
to sense the inklings
that manifest before the decision-state,
the intake flow
during the output broadcast,
this zone of those in passage intermingling,
the fill from the impressionably active
amidst the automatic presence
of the intentional,
to that which exists as awareness
before recognition concurrently occurs,
becoming aware
of the ongoing as ever-flow
and its orientation
as perception would assign.
what is the thought of it
to it as intervention?
is it the seeding of presumption,
the instilledess of presence,
the feel of active participation
some how so deep of a presence necessary
as to have a sense for active intervention,
either as healing or method of recovery,
or intentional as behavioral action.
but all of this as primarily occurring,
at what first appears,
at what subtle would be perceived as.
is this the feel of experiencing experience?
not the product there of
but is this the sense
of the workings of isness itself?
for that which is generally beyond
sensory range of intake,
that, that can only name it as an action
and is not available to be
as an existence of an object?
more so, to describe its flow
as its integrative means,
as if no drop of water in a stream of water
lives an individuated existence of life
available to our means of differentiation?
do we surrender from the itness,
we claimed,
where objectification has less of an impact
and meaning is
as a softer frame of reference.
where whatever I grasp as an object
will soon pass
as my attention frames ever unfolding?
but the means of that grasp that I make
is open for further study,
from the object of intention
to the source of intendedness,
to the impulse response to sensory claims,
to that which fires as consciousness sighted,
to that which energetically acts on
from beyond what one knows where from,
even to that
which is from other frames of reference,
be that of time by other lifetimes
or traumas from other circumstances
or sensing this linkage from deeper truths
than meaning can command?
sources from other dimensions as active but unknown,
for when I take off the cover of meaning
as relevant
and revive and reside in a deeper state
than would work as understanding,
or even to pass as the existence of truth
for then?
where I would consciously give up
the know
to come to the expansive exactitudes
in all of energetic integrative lightness?
and there, once there,
as if there had or was a there,
there, to be (?) . . .
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