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Sunday, February 6, 2022

questions, dying to ask


there are questions 

I have been dying to ask.

is sensitivity a reset method to awareness?

will subtlety ever make itself outrageousness fully known?

can nuance-reality ever become 

a biblical presentation?

is preference 

ever an essential human bonding agent 

of need?

when and how does it happen, 

that a person falls off the mountain 

of liking someone

into a freefall of cascading love?

how does impossible make its case 

without being overly evident?

where does take-a-chance get its effort 

to do from?

why are so many things borne 

from the world of vagaries? 

if you can't verbiage it 

does it ever really fully exist?

does mindful really have a name 

for everything?

and then why do emotions have 

so much more free reign 

than mindfulness does?

is ambiance really anything more 

than an unnamable muffled blend?

isn't experience like the mind 

reading a three-dimensional book 

without having to turn actual pages 

but just keeping the focus moving along?

why does it seem like 

there are so many places words can't go 

because they are only mentally ordained 

and not adequately emotionally charged 

to be there?

if I hurt 

do I make pain my wardrobe 

or do I become a mediator 

for future actions to be taken?

if all my emotions are like sheep in a herd 

do I want for a shepherd of the mind 

or a herd dog of action to be in charge?

is confusion in the mind 

like my emotions playing musical chairs 

with my mind being as the players 

and my emotions, 

are they, as the music playing or not?

if I had happiness in a bottle 

and I threw the bottle down 

and broke it wide open,

would I have to lick it off the floor 

or just smell it 

given those current circumstances 

to get its full effect?

so much of thought 

just wanders in, unannounced, 

but lingers, as these type of questions,

until readily observed . . . 

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