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Monday, March 1, 2010

The silence

Grasping at the silence

is not a certitude

nor a localized recognition


Grasping . . .

falsely claims at this as action.


to an undisclosed whole

is more the process.

Coming into a swell,

filled with emptiness

as an integrity

of likeness as being,

maybe even closer

to describing what is happening

but not revealed as such.

It is not a viewing,

set aside

nor a position

supported by experience itself

as we would know it.

Some of the shortcomings

in this process towards silence

may further expose our addictions

to the responses

and the contexts

used in the search,

from our conclusions

as they occupy and linger,

as self-conscious awareness

affects of our consciousness

imminently at that time.

Consciousness is as a field presence

not a process of notational events.

Annotated reality

undercuts direct experience.

Even direct experience

as verifiable,

makes too strong of demands.

The silence

is of less surface

and more of void substance,

more of an embodiment of emptiness,

more of the ovum of essence existence,

but not presumed to have purpose

towards the service of identification.

So there is silence,

silence as substantial,

even within the loudest of sound.

Beyond the vibratory means of sound,

there is a vast embracing silence,

so resounding as to be non-existent,

as beyond our means of confirmation.

This sound of silence

that permeates

beyond what senses detect,

as the screech and the drone,

the bellow and the whine,

the murmur and the howl,

the wail and the whimper,

the whisper and the sigh,

are all paradoxical sightings,

entries as flashpoints,

into the deep whole of silence.

How ever,

simply surfacing

as these bleeps or blips,

these push pins of chatter,

gathered from the array

acknowledged as beyond noise,

for imagining this greater whole,

this enormity,

as silence is . . .

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