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Friday, March 5, 2010

The con in consciousness

Who put the con

in consciousness?

For no matter

what the wardrobe

of content

we put into our projection,

we are all still

of one spirit

in the nude

inside of our collective charisma,

however portrayed.

I am struck with presence

immersing me,

yet I am imprinted

with images impressing me,

weighted stills

of emotional moments

lasting by refrain.

Oh when will I not be

so audience bound?

Now has the pocket feel

of memory’s ticket stubs.

I don’t remember

our collective ocean

of being that way.

The ocean is the ocean.

None of the particulars

are on demand.

My experience

should release me

as opposed to confine me.

But consciousness

is the ocean

as opposed to

high priority experience

which differs

in existence as affect.

From direct experience

I take specifics

and am rendered

somehow at that affect.

If I feared drowning

in consciousness

then an ocean

of consciousness,

I would respect

in much the same way

as experience sways me.

Yet consciousness draws me

while experience

makes me into audience.

If I vocal harmonized

with another,

I do not take their voice


I live for

our sound together

and also from it ongoing.

So is my sense

of consciousness.

Consciousness is that sounding


it is that collaborative.

I do not walk away

from harmony

with an experiential token

or a memory to sustain.

I am that sound

even though now

in apparent outward silence

radiantly going forward.

Born out of this silence

from within,

every harmony

is a new life given,

breath by vibratory sound.

There is no con to that.

Harmony is permissions

rubbing together,

a fire across breath

vocally shared,

a consciousness is borne out,

shared emitters,

building an inner field,

rhythmic strength

towards a critical mass

with experiential outcomes.

By energetic priorities,

there is no con to that.

When experience

gratefully follows,

there is no con

to consciousness . . .

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