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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Happy is an ambient state.

It is a self-generative presence.

Happy is not in summary.

It is not a result.

Happy is not at the stage

of a conclusion.

There is incidental broadcast

to happy.

Happy may really

transcend circumstance.

Yet for those on the hunt,

it can be called out

for certitude and clarification.

“Are you happy?”

“Why are you so happy?”

Which may make you

self-consciously aware

about being happy.

In a world of justification,

you might have to rethink

or make up

self-conscious reasons

for happy,

at least create a logic

for happy to present,

or suggest a show of events

as if a show of hands

as a form of agreement

for them to confirm

your happiness.

You can’t just be happy.

It has to be a consequence

and storable as earned.

If you were happy

before you started whatever

and you’re still happy after,

that does not help those

in search of happiness

as to how to get happy.

Surely people want

what happy is

but they only want it

as acquisition would provide.

It is perceived

as if life itself

is a negative affirmation

away from happiness.

For them,

it has to be something

like a wardrobe purchase,

or they want to portray happy

as if that is to be happy.

One would have to do something

in order to get something

and then call that

as a result, “happy”.

Happy is probably less

than effortful or intentioned.

What if happy was a given,

inside out, like a state of being,

unless you worked against it?

Like you were happy

to start with,

but made up some

outside in reasons

to not be happy

until you were preoccupied

or overwhelmed

with reasoning to not be happy,

and also believed

that happy is dependent

upon circumstances around you

rather than

just how you are with yourself.

If you spend a lot of time

trying to get happy,

but that happy is based on effort,

and happy is essentially

not composed of effort

or self-conscious observation

then any happy that you get

is a hollow victory,

short-lived composed

of means and at affect diminishing.

If happy was linked to expectations

as if that was the gearbox to happy,

then you could only be happy

as a measure of expectations met.

Does happiness have

a given environment

to cause it or support it?

Happiness cannot be assigned.

It sort of is an inward state

and may exude from there as such.

Like I said to start with,

happy is an ambience,

without all that pre and post

as justifiable clutter . . .

Happy is sort of beyond


which exists for us

as the curious double dare.

I am asking you

if you are happy,

is sort of like saying,

“prove to me by my standards

that you are happy

in a way that I can relate to

based on my beliefs

about how happy works

to begin with.

Display for me

what I think happy would be

because I am asking,

given that I want to be it too

and directly so.

And so I am looking

everywhere around me

for clues,

you being one of them.”

So if happy were an objectification

then you could receive it

from an outside source.

You could attain it

as if you were not of it,

but feel like you could be it,

at least by proving

that you are it,

(like every time you check!)

Happy . . . that is.

Although, this appears to be

what billboards do,

happy is more like a pheromone.

Maybe there is a chemical basis,

but naturally, it is self-induced,

then once it is self-discovered

it becomes self-permitted.

We can share happy

but I can’t really make you happy.

That is an exploitative illusion.

Happy has no look.

It has no justifiable feel.

Happy . . . wow!

Get away from the word

the concept,

the expectation

the self in agreement

and be . . .

Happy does not take the time off

to know itself.

Happy is.

Look, anyone who knows

they are happy

is multi-tasking

right before your eyes . . .

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