Often I take myself
into this moment
almost hand in hand.
Lead on by an inner voice
of inquiry
and followed by
a surveying voice
of discovery.
They are not in dialogue so much
as they tend not to interrupt
but speak in sequence
so as for me to overhear.
Inquiry is asking and plaintive.
Surveillance is tonal and conclusive.
Together they proceed
to move along
and gather what comes
as one after the other.
Usually it is a train of thought
with containments of rationalization,
seized bundles of cognitive obligation,
a smattering of comedic quips,
a dreg of depressive unsaid replies,
a theme
of general personalized attention,
and a privatization
of self-talk linking it all.
There are handles of recognition
words or phrases for the taking
to carry on.
No one within me is asking
for the whole story in review.
A surmise
would generally seem to do.
Only this time around
as if it were a habitual walk
around the block,
I seem to have brought
an additional light,
some third party of insistence
but in a first person sort of way.
The pauses seem more studied.
The reflections take up
a deeper sense of composition.
There is a choir listening
for more than
a chorus line’s memory.
No one is scanning
for a familiar song.
The lyrics in response
are somewhat new.
The words themselves
feel newly composed
as if never spoken before
their origin in the now.
This is not a refrain
with a backlog of memory
nor a back-story to explain it.
This is new growth
as if spurts do come.
It is so uncommon
that I am audience dismissed
but I am in a mind space
and we, as my inner selves,
are brainstorming.
Yes, I find a voice of inclusion
undetected by the others.
There is a tenor
of compassion in the room.
Have I ever been this close
to self-love and knew?
We go on
in a kind of reverent sort of way.
Other voices from within
contributing their say.
It does not feel
like a compiling towards judgment
but it is reflective
and I sense myself identified.
I would have thought it to be
more dreamlike,
a summary said in saving grace,
but no.
This is not the conclusion
of an incident
nor is it the end of life
or a suddenness
as a dramatic event.
This is an ongoing,
with care and carriage.
I am embraced
without self-discovery as the end.
I am to learn without effort,
a sort of surrender
by overhearing myself
in like kind.
What they say
or we say
is of a deeper truth supplied.
I am graced
to have myself along.
I am thankful
in my creative silence applied.
gifted to be
and be present
to a self
that seems to be mine . . .
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