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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What I sense about her

She is very much composed

of glacial waters.

She already once returned

to the cathedral of her origin.

She has thawed

into this fluid state.

By her own admission,

her being is unrevealed.

She has refined all her elements

from your gestation.

Where she has prospered

and is forthcoming

is through your means.

You are her home,

her living habitat includes you.

Where you all transpire to be

of each other,

she is already there

in a deep kinship manner.

She is an expression in reflection

of your attributes evident.

She is a byproduct

of your themes,

taken to heart.

Find her

with your every breath,

behind your every thought.

In an emotional spirit way,

she is with you,

within your every deed.

There is a small amount of spin

that you commonly share,

her melting inside as you.

Touch her where you are

your sacred waters.

She is blessed

to be here, close and within.

Allow her to settle

where you are each

your ongoing fluid states.

Let her environ

where you are relaxed as one.

Let her take as instruction

from your surrender

to your higher self.

Let her hold you

in your method

towards the light.

Shape shifting is a form

of shared celebration.

Your spirit, she recognizes.

Anoint her with

your coming from afar.

Pass through her

on your way

to higher soul awareness.

Reveal to her your release.

Demystify yourself from control

in her presence.

Express yourself

of emotional passion.

Bathe in your inspiration

before her.

You and she are hardwired,

for this is your feminine self,

finally coming through

to be your resource

and your consciousness,

so as for her

to carry you on . . .

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