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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Conscious thought applied

But to realize that touch

is more than texture sensed,

that taste is more than

palate in sensation

or nutrition in passage,

that sight is more

than reflected images flashed

upon the mind.

For identification as method

is a monumental interruption


from true human emersion

into conscious thought.

Symbology is a short cut away

from actual participation.

Society, as consumption,

is one language short

of planetary connection.

For speech that only names,

steals from our selves,

a deeper well of love

and this action done

is in self-isolation

and regresses the human

away from planet endeavors.

We, as a people,

are a derma

of the planet’s surface.

We are imposters of integration

when our rituals

deny this relationship.

When our thoughts

are only front staged

then all of backstage

is sadly audience

at affect, in reaction.

For humans,

there really is

no audience to living.

There simply are no props

so innocently at our command.

Everything of thing-ness

has an obligation

of higher accord

yet we then deny that.

And when we deny this web

of full function

to appease our simplicities of fear,

this separation feeds us

as our fears

with high doses

of superficial symbolic recognition

as we grandly address ourselves

with self-referential rituals

of this human isolation.

We have made a religion

out of false protection

without respectful

human endowment or emersion.

We have made up government

out of efforts

done in human against human vanity.

We have outsourced our responsibility

to a self slavery

away from original

planetary service and cause.

We portend to give back

as if this were urgent

by badly scribbled notes

placed in bottles of self concern

and tossed into an ocean

of worldly disaster

while waiting . . .

for acceptable

inept single step responses

to float our way.

We want answers of absolution

rather than invitations that revitalize.

We would rather have the action

of rumor ritualized

from deep within.

The telling of this in every truth

is not just a compelling cognition

of words.

Each truth is a whole action

as much as a whole re-embrace.

There are no backwaters

without essential influence

just as there is no saliva of idleness

when a meal is served.

We don’t dominate to get to cause,

we embrace to address cause

with humility.

We don’t truly analyze

just by depiction,

we need to empathize and sympathize

to fill the frame.

We can’t claim by possession

when it is a rhetorical enterprise

resulting in a hollowness

staged before the rest of us in claim.

A path of thoughtful gestures

is not the same

as a life

of planetary integrative means

as conscious thought applies.

Where money is our measure

the earth retreats

into retarded menial deeds.

To carry on a dialogue

with the planet

in condescending ways,

and the earth will express

with a language

towards a deeper comprehension

of human self-reflective miss-deeds.

A symphony of symbols

is ultimately not as penetrating

as a single note sung out of love.

The earth was that song all along

but we not only forgot the lyrics,

the melody,

but worst,

as to how and when to sing

as chorus joining in.

We generate thought

as if it were our s.o.s.

scrawled before us

in a foreign hand.

We have context

as a prideful perception

when in fact

we have made audience

out of living life.

Thought without love-means

is like having a map and living

into our self-imposed crease lines

from previous attempts

at thought folding.

Life is eventually very bothersome

if each moment lived

is only animation

indulgently supplied.

The true art of human life

has no canvas,

no elements of composition.

It has no intent of audience.

It has no discard of props

along the way

and it has no completion as its mind.

Appreciation is really

a next inspiration or insight

applied ongoing accordingly.

If there is to be an easel out there,

it is made of time and space

and the universe as embrace.

Nothing else can come by

and be displeased

by seamless association

as its applause.

The human thought

of conscious habit

is, at the outset,

the thought emerging

from conscious thought applied.

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