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Saturday, December 4, 2021

religion as belief-ism


all of religion thrives on,

as a conclusionary existence.

even mystical experience 

arrives at phenomenon status stances.

short attention spans have 

religion as memory-defenses.

there is quoting premises 

as if thought provoked,

but just passages as moral excuses 

are deeply implied.

if living is memorized moral code presented

then let's all hide as spiritualized.

religion is an internalized voice 

said to oneself,

and then you ask,

did you hear what I just heard?

religion has the depth of agreeing to agree

as the rituals are of those 

in the process of pursuit.

oh there is a god 

and we have intended to game it.

it's an original version 

of celebrity status in the mind.

sacredness is a matter of details presented.

brain development is 

a dipstick measure of religion.

memorization is a key element 

of the enterprise.

religion is a parade of principles 

in celebrity status.

rituals have the intended defense, 

as for the sake there of.

religion is fronting feelings, 

yes, for the sake of your mind.

if language was feel-based 

then talk would be tonal,

and understanding would be 

a backup status position.

reverence would be a broadcast 

of emanative presence

and one voice would occur 

and not as a choir.

god is before 

we made sense out of it.

oh there is an indwelling of god

but we lack the spiritual consensus 

to identify that which dwells within 

but is not self identified.

separatism makes for 

religious reality's existence.

we are invoked 

as if self initiated is a calling.

what we posture 

seems to be claimed as external

and what has god origin 

is only to be realized.

religion is more a matter of propaganda

as a raised level of conventional 

thought provoked.

Machiavellian principles are supposedly deeply applied.

religion has mindful 

as a misinterpretation's stance

as if god is out there 

and hypothetically present

and we, are at best observers, 

some with better seats.

religion has god 

as an exercise program duly intended.

god is a self witness state 

of self observation

and there is a self-observational code 

to be living the believing of it.

with religion, 

we are always in the stands observing,

as we are going towards a god 

whose is coming towards us.

these implied premises 

always keep us properly placed

as to where god is a find, 

and religion is an establishment.

it is institutionalism made to be 

sacredly administered.

what is thought worth 

if god is an externalized force?

religion makes god 

into concealed negative affirmations

as we are always in denial, 

when god is an external presence.

when god is within 

then religion is just wardrobe.

even the term god 

is a form of reductionism

and religion is the functional enterprise 

of the sacredness of it . . .

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