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Monday, December 27, 2021

it is what it is

it is what it is.

there's a philosophy to that

and a psychology to it also,

as well as a pre-emptiveness 

to its ever ongoing existence.

experience does all three of those things, 

at once.

the mind-work necessary 

is a constant practice, 

every waking moment

and then-some.

self-conscious-occupancy feeds on it.

the itness exists 

because conclusions of the mind reign.

we have summary, 

as if the world stands still

for our focus capacity to embrace.

we have stills as rules for function,

as that as a premise 

goes forward as a constant,

but not really.

in that it is only true, 

if we agree to agree.

but that works amazingly well

for mindsets of that kind.

humans pride themselves 

on those kind of mindsets.

we have our reality 

as a conclusionary art-form,

as if we capture motion 

by our means of understanding.

yet everything is in motion, 

but we define it 

to suit our means for this, 

as our needs.

is pragmatic really a winning philosophy?

does the psychology 

of separatism super-succeed ?

is control a means-end operative 

for function?

we seem to pursue brain styles 

as replicative means.

we have educative standards 

as wardrobe essentials.

we make language 

as if on a summary basis.

as a working premise,

everyone is to order their life

from the menu offered

or be inconsequential 

to the mainstream cause.

we allowed capitalism to become 

the psychology of manipulative success.

we invented ownership 

as if for act-out potential,

as a way of self discovery, 

taken to mean ownership as possession.

we are as nominal 

as long as we can continue 

to not realize it as such.

we have the makings 

of a lazy 'I' syndrome functioning,

in that, can't see beyond what seeing begets,

as it registers as self-consciousness 

as its focus means.

comparative truth is a contestable process,

a framing style that falsifies true measures,

for pseudo worth personified.

we are in need of planet dialogue.

we need a militia of planet-base personage

to reflect, respond and engender,

beyond the human-phobic state we are in. 

it is what it is,

reflects the terms, 

for planetary suicide to be written.

not for the planet itself

but for our means of participation.

we are so myopic,

that our own acne 

will eventually kills us off.

and the earth will go on 

to grow up

and grow old.

for now, we are only fireflies, 

at our own camp ground setting,

marveling in our self-wonder.

we had an original school for learning.

it was called earth.

our relationship required mentoring 

of need.

somehow we made it into a staging area

and now we just play-act ongoingly.

we need a military as activists

for planetary deeds,

to reinvent planetary service in needs.

plant trees, 

free us from oil dependencies as claimed,

cultivate clean water,

eliminate animal food base origins,

study the earth 

as conversationally speaking,

enhance and restore,

take back mind readiness 

from mindset disregard, 

for us to truly be.

it is what we become,

not a product to be viewed

but a process to be lived.

and for humans,

put an end to all nouns, 

as over dignified

and give further life to all verbs.

to be lived 

from within us

into their ongoing human aliveness . . .

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