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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

awake in my dreams

so what has the clarity of sleep brought, 

that will survive the next hour? 

streams of thought don't take selfies. 

the sky is forever conversation overheard 

from another nearby table. 

so much gaiety said, 

but muffled, 

yet tonally present,

as still very close by. 

so what event were they at? 

and how to put the toys 

in this sandbox of curiosity away 

and still not leave the sandbox itself? 

I hate waking up, 

having to put the unfinished puzzle

back in the box 

for day-life to occur.

and I have tried to make my bed

while lying in it.

that just makes for tedium 

and I find myself majorly in the way,

waking up is take-aways

but also give-backs.

and I don't feel it is a fair exchange.

my day-person gets hand-me-downs. 

my sleep person seems satisfied, 

not to tell me anymore, for now.

it's like they are writing all of the time

and I am just awake, 

listening for the first words said to me.

it's like my day-life is training to be duller,

while my sleep life has permission 

at every turn presented.

sure, awake can be fun and exciting

but sleep is more magical 

and more deeply moving to me.

it's like my day body is luggage to take with

and my night body travels light.

day life has drumming, 

constant drumming of varying kinds,

while nightlife has open seas,

mixed media offerings, 

and self-sense in so many different lights.

the day life is an onrush, 

requires tending and approach.

night time is fall back in rest assured.

my awareness does all 

of the artwork needed.

I feel gifted and expressive.

can't I just become

awake in my dreams 

and live a normal life accordingly? . . .

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