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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

proximity to we


proximity is the disguise.

sensory awareness 

gives us a false sense of intimacy.

we attend to the evident

in the most simplistic ways,

to the point of grand global disregard.

we venture in small world ways,

considering experience as our achievement.

we live for display,

as if our narrative should be line by line,

and can't get the deeper content of our being out there.

it is as if the world for humans

is possessed by audience perspective,

when heartfelt should be the common voice.

nuance reality requires 

so much more attunement

rather than attention given.

we have to live into rather than, 

by our lives' calling are the mighty pens,

but our heritage is the almighty sword.

we weigh in on details, 

having lost the image of the overall. 

we invented capture

and made embrace passé as a social custom.

we all have the big screen 

in the far background,

while few have eyes for that.

most accept it as distant sky.

some have flight and know better.

for each of us,

there is an intimacy

that does not have close or far away

as meaningful perspectives.

the is immediacy and imminent

and they cross paths 

with varied frequencies. 

each person to their own

and there is a relevance in that process,

yet concealed in small almost inconsequential acts,

that in time, 

affect beyond their considered reach.

how the weave becomes the fabric

and the fabric becomes the garment 

and that garment gets worn 

as society's apparel. 

some where in that weave, 

we have all participated,

almost unknowingly 

but evident as momentum. 

we are all so many small puzzle pieces

in a larger frame of accomplishment.

puzzle after puzzle,

frame of reference after frame,

we are all inadvertent documentation happening

to be the robust of awareness 

as self-captivating.

be of a greater cause 

without self knowledge interfering.

each day offers as the weave of potential.

we need to be of resolution 

beyond comprehensions' grasp.

there is a divinity behind our beyond.

we all move towards that distant star,

with some, it is in each step taken,

while others amble, stagger, or lope.

sure each step is definite and intimacy

and with it vision is still the goal,

yet not necessarily pronounced out loud,

but keenly heart present.

presence is more 

than a witness stance taken.

it is a voluntary participation unfolding.

it has no cognitive narrative to follow.

there are no decisions made.

movement is always towards the unify.

it is agreement without agreeing, 

like attracts like in a non-dualistic world.

we have many techniques to master,

before we surrender 

from decision's umbrage.

there is no holding on,

but more so expansion to include.

somewhere within, 

we find zest amongst others.

zeal slipstreams us along.

cause-worthy never gets a title or named.

it's all presence 

before, during and thereafter.

it's where proximity has lost 

its overbearing relevance,

where we all have grand inward-eyes,

where we all see greater than the whole, 

and there is a divinity to the witnessing.

all of gesture embraces without declaration.

all means before mindfulness make method.

all extends beyond boundaryness.

the basis of language becomes tonal.

confluence is the only measure of time.

creative replaces conflict as method,

and we have no separate parts . . .

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