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Monday, December 13, 2021

languaging moving on

all language is victimhood in the making.

we speak

and where we speak from 

alleges as critical acclaim.

all talk blindly lobbies for 

a dualistic thinking approach.

every word keynotes its attachment 

to objectify.

it's the mind drive of speech 

versus the tonal of directive-ness.

they orally battle 

with every enunciation made.

if you think first then feel second,

speech has successfully indoctrinated,

if you feel first then think as second hand,

talking is inferring a very different message

where emotional is connectivity

while mindful in separation designed.

give me a choir tonally sounding

versus a broadway show belting out a song.

I want to feel for my listening inwardly

and not know what was said 

is taken to be true.

a feel-first language has the mouth 

of the environment.

it speaks about and through its presence,

as a walk-in-the-woods as a dialogue,

a swim 

as an intimate conversation occurring,

as a debate is a gaming of checkers

and a game of chess 

is just a political address.

if I meet someone, 

I want them to read me the story of their life

by living it in front of and through me.

their account 

is just a fashion show for benefit.

I would prefer 

to overhear the world speaking

that is not addressing me

but ever so near by 

in approximate presence,

where I am allowing myself 

the nuance-intrigue,

where I am very near a fire 

I didn't build to start,

but am benefitting from the light 

and the warmth coming off in this space.

can't wait for telepathic 

to be spoken in naive tongue,

for hive mind to be a daily occurrence,

for separatism to be a common sign 

of human dismay,

for cause-worthy to be 

planet restoration and reprieve,

for dignity to have 

no postural elements in play

and for the sounds we make 

to be a oneness of song . . .

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