there is world out there,
between the flutter and the throb.
to sense how truth weighs
with only energetic display.
in the same frame,
one is menial,
the other magical.
both components undisclosed
but yet functioning.
somewhere within,
an internal motherboard gets played,
one marginal, the other magical,
even deeper than display could exemplify,
as if all humans live
between these two worlds,
ever transversing,
as if fountaining is life.
the flutter has it contextual enterprise going.
the throb has resounding,
off the inner walls of self.
each of us has the instrumentation of both,
the flutter having stall-point precision, unnoticed,
the throb, vast in early evening
web construction's care,
the flutter
with inner voice cacophony's exchange.
the throb reviving deep canyons
of inner richness felt.
why is this so baffling,
this is as human enterprise ongoing?
the faintness of restraint
giving way to the rush,
the resounding river slowed
into a dessert pond pause,
the stall-point,
considering the shadow it exposed
or the pluckiness of trust,
presenting as self coming through,
as the flutter and the throb
are both presentational,
whatever as the inner palate, taken up,
eventually occurs.
wisdom has its way
of circumstantial expression.
aware and wary holds hands,
secured in their passage.
either leads or follows.
both become the human enterprise ongoing.
either one, the palate,
while the other is sounding forth,
behind the presence of expression.
they both express and endure
as elements of being.
for we all eventually find
for the essence of ourselves,
as living life,
between the flutter and the throb . . .