We are praying all the time
As long as
intention and attention
are at work
there is prayer.
Even is the vaguest of claims,
the shortest of attention spans,
most phased
or out of it as we can be
there is still some quality
of both intention and attention
though unjustifiably so.
However the claim
that it is low grade
or ineffectual or unfocused
the stream of consciousness
even if the claim is undisciplined,
unstructured, un-claimable,
spaced, indifferent
or unintelligible
or on the other side
called day-dreaming,
fantasizing, desiring,
conjuring, romanticizing,
or even imagining,
these all play
into the action of prayer.
Even if there is implied
a moral principle of good
to be able to call it praying,
that is a justification at work.
What makes loathing
or vindictive or vengeful
any less of a prayer?
Even if there are claims
based on intensity
or appropriate topic of choice,
that is really cultural
or religious in nature
but not evidentially different
in the way the brain functions
in doing so.
If prayer is composed
of neural elements as operative
derived from
mental and emotional components
interactively at work
and without regard
to the protection
of topic justification
or the quality of the intent
or the amount of attention applied
or the emotional stir
then basically we are always praying
while we are conscious
and possibly beyond
as even when we are asleep
or even unconscious
to a vague degree.
we assign a standard appraisal
to the notion of prayer and praying.
It has its claimed modality
of function.
People could easily claim
that they don’t know how to pray
because they claim
there is a set of rules for praying
and that they are done consciously
to secure its function.
But really
praying may seek towards refinement
but of what?
To be guaranteed an end result?
For reasons of personal experience?
The comparative quality
of the stream of consciousness?
We are all contributing consciousness
to something ongoing
even if it is vague and ambient
or apparently dispersive
by its nature.
Just as we all weigh,
we all pray.
We all might,
at one point or another,
have prayed to be weightless
but no matter
how successful our prayer
or how disguised by topic
or by the appropriateness
of our apparent behavior,
we all still pray.
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