Do you believe?
I don’t believe
that believing really works.
Hmmm . . .
Well maybe
I am contradicting myself
when I say that.
Maybe I am saying
that believing
based on content
doesn’t really work.
Okay well maybe I am saying
that believing
based on a premise
doesn’t really work.
based on memory retention
really doesn’t work.
Okay what about believing
without content
or premise or memory,
does that really work?
Can you have believing
without a context?
Can you believe
without accountability?
Can you believe in,
say ‘nothing’
and still benefit from believing
the way believers do?
I mean to say,
can you turn yourself on
without rhyme or reason
or stimulus or circumstance
and be moved
into an altered state
without just cause
or explanation?
Can you be believing
and not know
how or what or why?
Is believing a function
of trust or expectation?
If you believe
that everything happens
for a purpose or a reason,
are you just rationalizing
but yet protecting
in your ability to believe?
How circuitous is this
as activity or process
without the bottom falling out?
So if you ‘believe in nothing’
is that any different
than believing in something
for what really is happening
in the brain?
If you believe,
does that ever lead
to a next moment
as an open frame?
Well is there such a state
as being a non-believer
and is that something different
essentially from a believer?
Do we ever escape belief
in the course of our lives?
Do I ever have the option
to not believe
and not be believing
in something else
by the same mechanism
I am claiming denial there of?
Is this all about accountability
in the end?
Once I commit
a thought to verbiage
am I indebted to a position
that I can’t escape?
If I language,
do I then believe?
If I make a conclusion,
have I then entered
into the world of belief?
If all of nominality
is a pretense seducing me
into a world of believing
then is everything that I see
as separate or namable
now a contention
in that regard?
Is believing
as a particular
or premise
or process
all one in the same
and inseparable?
Is believing
a constant reinforcement
into being separate
from whatever is named
as object or idea or means?
So is believing
a subtle form
of keeping a distance
from a real connection
or oneness
with anything or anyone?
Is anything objectified
then a form of believing
and all of subjectivity
is really an extension
of believing
in an habitual sense?
Does then believing have,
as an undisclosed assumption,
a lack of real connectivity
by proposing that
‘believing in something’
professes a future
of being closer
or more connected
but yet still
essentially separate?
Is believing
sort of counter intuitive
or working with a kind
of negative affirmation?
If you are just doing believing
and indifferent
to the particulars
are you getting
say the full benefits
but without attachment
or need for proof?
Is then believing
a way of brain stimulation
that is native to the physiology
of the brain
but searching for mechanisms
of symbology and/or culture
upon which to lend
obvious means
sort of like a kind
of camouflage
for this to blindly
or secretly occur?
If this is so,
then the hidden activity
of religions
or spirituality or magic or such
is to allow for this process
to naturally occur
but to have adequate cover
or representation
so that how the mind does this
does not become unto itself
‘a phenomenon of interest,
self-inquiry or inspection’.
So we all believe in believing
but we can be positional
at any point in this process
and we can be oppositional
to each other
even though
we are essentially
working our brains
in parallel
and possibly simultaneously
in doing so
and not be any wiser
about what is
essentially happening
as a collective of one?
Do you believe?
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