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Friday, October 23, 2009

Grim to grind to grand

We assume void and vacancy as a

logical basis of fear. We presume a

mind fill to compensate. We have a

sense of declared order by

agreement to agree. We promote

dominance before emergence. We

reside in power over empathy. We

express understanding as separatism.

We are methods of prejudice rather

than alliance. We have entitlement

as expectation. We pridefully love

as allegiance. We display willfulness

as self. We are personal wealth over

trust. There are a thousand indirect

choices that debilitate us daily. Even

the notion of choice is a falsehood.

We do not pay attention to the flow

and ambience of life through the living.

Our claim is to leverage or collude or

outsmart or out effort or luck out.

Our essential wealth appears in a

comparative way. We have needs for

display to feel conclusively good about

our individual selves contextually. We

have staged the planet and most

everything else at times to do so. We

have no simple turn on or turn around.

With endless wealth to start, many

would still be unhappy within their

predicament. If we can’t accessorize

other humans in act outs, then how

are we to feel good about ourselves in

comparison? We are not

companionable or kinship to basic

human accord. Anything exterior

cannot make our shared collective

soul appear and sooth the savage

beasts within. A diet a pathos seems

to adequately distract us into a

togetherness. The continuing success

of cumulative human failures

promotes us towards a greater letting

go and joining in at the same time. If

we cannot simply know how to

capitalize or personalize, we deny or

dismiss. We still claim practical

‘knowledge is ‘bell curve’ mentality’.

From the beauty of that premise of

predictability, we have gained our

ultimate imprisonment. We will, at

some future time, look at our brain

functions by electrical and chemical

means, and say something beyond the

nature of symbols, and politics, and

species. As an example of how hard

that road will be, we have the issue of

climate change. It is as an issue of

concern and we could not all possibly

agree with less clarity as a species. I

am sorry but we all need a collective

lap sit, at least about once a month

until we could do it spontaneously,

on call at any time. This is not an

answer but a non-sequitar break in

the action. A messing with the model

until a vision comes that is more soul

evocative in nature. One where the

planet itself is acknowledged also.

One where ‘happy feet’ is community

life within each being shared up and

down the ecosystems that we generally

ignore. Currently, we are a self-parody

and deeply acting out in an agreement

of omission. For me, our method of

experiencing puts us very much at

effect. We are the pride of results.

What would it take for each of us in

our own self-discovery way, to

channel our selves from a collective

pre-experience basis? To be more

psychically aware, to be more

intuitively alert and generally more

emotionally inclusive as an initial basis

of going forward into our day.

We would have to come to bare

our collective soul to daily conscious

joyous tasks. Sure, we are a smart

species but basically unto ourselves as

gratification hungry. We have made

false assumptions about our

relationship with the planet in doing

so. We have misguidedly presumed a

perspective of self as ‘species

important’ to serve our ‘special

needs’ as so entitled. This

presumption is coming back to haunt

us. Future generations will tell us so.

We are elitist and are really at home

and comfortable in our skin in doing

so. Our methods and usage of

experience is over-rated. We are

profoundly inexact at being human.

Every human is on a deeper journey

to return to a oneness shared and

expressed. Everything about this

planet is party to that as celebration.

There is no disrespected ‘it’

subjugated into service to anything

else. All is not in our declared sense

of order. All is not accountable to us.

As much as we are accountable for it.

The planet is not by our decree. It all

is what it is without deference to us.

There is the deep stir within each of

us privately and yet we are massively

entangled with daily overwhelm. We

do not have an apparent collective

method for timeout and recovery. But

in spite of all of this: we are indirectly

building by our daily habitual denials

in a direction. We are inadvertently

under the guise of personal and

private suffering for the stir grand

enough to become the focus point

for declarations anew to be launched.

We are subversively attending to a

greater cause and with keen

avoidance of acknowledgment as

such. We are giving birth to new

methods of conscious awareness

but undisclosed as such. We are all

secretly in training to share from richer

worlds from within. We seize the

smallest of opportunities to go

unnoticed but yet explore the

intimacy of shared self in new ways

and means. We are expanding but

unseen into global awareness that

we cannot openly declare. Minor

facets of intrigue trigger in our brains,

flutter in our hearts, and call from

deep within. Each grain of singular

attention is on the move. We do not

fully comprehend what is the moving

force behind all of this. At times, it is

personally scary and we tense up and

withhold. But like a newfound grain

of sand in motion, the momentum of

relaxation towards a greater cause is

at work from within each of us. It is

by some other means than we have

our methods of control over. Another

dimension that does not work by

Newtonian logic or means is at play.

We have agreed to play without a

decision being made. It is

non-negotiably happening. We remain

undercover. We are communicating by

other means that does not give in to

language or mind dominant methods.

We have spent so much time in species

character that we have taken ourselves

seriously! We were almost believable

to ourselves. Eventually our most

important method will be surrender

from the invocation of all the forms

of fear. There will be knowing method

from within unlike any before.

Certitude will not be its claim. The

term love will only exist as a verb.

Gratitude will be a method of

affirmation put forth. We will be a

re-invitation to come from the

oneness home.

All will be offered and afforded on an

optional basis. Some will stay small

and continue. Others will embrace and

return inward yet outwardly will

appear. It could be called a dance,

as a dance of all aspects of being as

being. It could easily be referenced

as a dimensional upgrade, for now

it would seem. The terms will melt

away. Focus will go beyond what it is

known to be. The expanse will be the

norm. There will be no one . . .

separate. There will be no personal

smallness essential or claimed as

necessary. We will not self-reference

as our means. Permission will be

self-evident without discourse.

There is no agreement for such

because there is no withheld-ness

of being involved. Purpose will be

inherent in each of us as celebration

untold. Such is the enormity of

presence as a oneness. We are one

beyond species, beyond planet,

within the universe.

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