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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

tracking with wonder

the tracking of making tracks in the snow.

supposedly to study said as a subject. 

a said personage,

in a from a here to there.

initially, to come to find, that there.

but no, the real work 

is the immersion in a here.

as if that very first step of a here, 

to the next step of here,

as in step after step.

and what from each step tells me 

of what is so person so?

to begin to notice,

first considering the depth of snow,

than how long ago has it been laid

and what weather has given it surface character,

and what wind sculpting has occurred. 

then each step is a print of modest visual information.

requiring study as to the character of the movement

that has made such into a passage,

in the carriage of a here to a here.

to an eventual there,

wanting to know so much more.

boot or shoe size?

footprint to determine weight and motion of carriage?

right or left foot dominance?

length of stride relative to depth of snow?

grade of incline

and or possible visual distractions along the way?

foot plant method and lift,

from motion steps to just plan standing prints?

tunneling of print relative to the depth of snow?

length of time since made, 

distorts all of these as intake.

any laterals in the placement or the lift,

as evidence of carriage eccentricities?

any stoppages other than gait,

as if spacing relative to close quarters in passing?

physical features in the surround

that would affect the intention of movement?

the putdown and placement of objects subject to carriage?

variations in spacing of gait relative to elevation changes?

the pack of the print,

as both an overall weight insight

and the distortion of the prints laterally,

as for carriage of excess other than bodyweight,

as in backpack, oar, shotgun, or carrying case?

depth of snow will give some sense of leg length,

relative to overall size, 

when in connection to boot or shoe size.

time of day, relative to the distortion presented?

other outside information added into these equations,

as in temperature, wind conditions, extent of sun coverage?

each here is so minute but generally informative. 

then added together, 

for further information, 

possibly the deed of original intent?

therefore I might not know of the purpose,

but I can know more about the here of the heed.

this tracking with wonder, 

as enhancement, as my guide . . .

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