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Saturday, October 14, 2023

the true pure

true pure emotion,

in the essence of itself,

does not play the mind-game

of value.

comparative truth is the go-between, 

the negotiator of mind-presentables,

for emotional indoctrination 

to acknowledge and approve.

emotion doesn't even name anything by wordage. 

mind promotes such languaging.

emotion is rendered as subservient to mind

by the ongoings of the languaged culture of experience.

emotion has empathy without mindful consideration.

by the time mind has registered,

there is an equation of consideration in place,

based upon separate from as a self,

and then how to be of assistance there of.

it only takes nanoseconds for all of this to occur.

the original feelings are immersive 

as if not time registered,

but then, as thought revealed.

there is a linear production mindfully happening.

emotion does not participate in value

in the way the mind does.

emotion has value like harmonics,

where like attracts like.

mind has value as contextual, 

with considerations in appraisal as a view.

mind has self as a fundamental premise

that orients the following of methods to pursue,

while emotion has a oneness principle in place,

where like attracts like in a timeless fashion,

where feel is instantaneously volumetric,

while thought requires cognition and subsequent account.

value is a mind-game.

fear as motivation is used to stir the mix.

consider supply and demand to be a stirring instrument.

thought is tea served.

emotion is the air we breathe. 

aroma is an attempt at thought distraction,

remembering that metaphor is a mind method

and feel is a form of oneness occupancy,

even if not cognitively identified as such.

mind is the self identified

while emotion is the collective, 

yet not mindfully identified.

pure emotion is a superior brain

but realization would be

a mindfully humbling act beyond acknowledgment. 

emotion needs no means of agreement.

emotion is oneness already

yet existing in a relatively unconscious format


know yourself to be . . .

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