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Sunday, January 15, 2023

I became mindful

I make all the facials I want,

but they don't speak the depth of me.

I can say all the comprehendables,

but they don't say the truth of me.

I can face you eye to eye

but that doesn't make us any closer 

than embrace potential made evident.

I want to stream-speak the we of the us.

I want common mind 

leading to mutual heart-space presence.

this is such a land of confoundedness to cross.

everyday I awake to separateness and a map,

searching on the planet for common ground.

my spirit enjoys a treasure hunt.

why is play so unrewarding?

even if we were playing cosmic tag,

that would be more daily life-fulfilling.

somehow I didn't know 

we needed agreement to eventually play.

I naively thought play 

initiated evidence of agreement

and not the reverse.

maybe play was before I got to be a self,

defined by my separateness.

I'm not sure if I forgot

or didn't remember.

in either case, 

I have become mindful

and the freedom of play

has somehow disappeared . . . 

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