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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

what made god


the storyline that has no reality-surface

but emerges personalized, 

out of the collective unconsciousness 

of everyone.

featuring the intimate handprints 

of recognition

from those who experience it 

in a conscious way.

they go on with the carriage 

in the privacy of their awareness

yet unaware of anyone else 

as also a participant

in the portage of this storyline itself.

because of the limitations imposed 

by recognition,

themes become common-language identified

by many but not shared 

by anyone with anyone else.

the human endeavor of individual attention

moves the storyline along.

the energetics imposed by fear, 

as motivational,

collectively yet separately, 

allows for this existence 

to further be embellished and expand.

when enough human participants 

are included in this project,

a telepathy, 

profound in engagement, 

is born

and the storyline gains a legitimacy 

in and from this collective.

at some point, a spoken language is birthed 

by someone voicing it sacredly out loud.

reality then becomes the chrysalis stage

of this, as its own emergence.

it now has the pronounced life 

of a human thought-form 

and is gaining further 

in its collective presence

from and through everyones private participation in it.

for realization feeds it 

the human essence of belief

and that frenzy eventually becomes

a functioning Machiavellian principle 

forming into a profound existence.

and as it forms and shapes

in its somewhat invisible manner,

still living in the private minds 

of a collective of humans,

it eventually chrysalises 

and subsequently shifts.

ultimately it becomes a religion of the world,

harvested into mindful existence.

it endures in the elsewhere of peoples' minds

in the triumph of that collective

and in the appreciation of it of itself. 

it produces pheromones of inspiration

and yet remains the ever-last of the unseen.

but is sacredly spoken about

as humans generously but humbly

refer to it as, god . . .

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