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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

existentially unobservable


the crime of existence

in the riddle of mass,

is the false sentience of experience,

as if assembling from clues

the rational syntax of understanding,

as if a pit-pass to enlightenment. 

the hum of being 

is buried within the predicament 

of circumstance.

the sense of vast,

as seen from a pinhole of observational skill

all for the longing of oneness,

yet languishing as a single soul entity,

amid a sea of individualized entities

in the world of separatism realized as living

vaguely towards the collective of spirit,

but working from the incomplete as method,

as if trail and error 

is the dominate human trait,

and wagering belief 

as a crafting tool of advancement,

under the efforts 

of achievement and results,

the myopia of time as a mentor,

and understanding as an enterprise 

of tool usage.

we all scribe 

as if learning was a memory skill.

we ritualized 

as if the melody of sacred will come.

we stare into the mirror of behavior

for clues to riddle-down the unknown. 

we are the answer 

but formatted into disguise.

we have made relevance an imposter,

posing as wisdom and resolve.

ascension takes no prisoners.

no experientials get to go along on the ride.

there is a serious presumption 

of a here-to-there journey,

as if being a something of separate existence,

seeking the embrace of the all.

mass is such a formalized chagrin 

in the making, 

for to give it all away

and gain nothing in return.

only then to realize

that the crime of existence,

buried in the riddle of mass,

with the false sentience of experience

as the means for assembling from clues,

a production of the rational syntax 

of understanding

as if a pit-pass to enlightenment. 

there is such a humbling needed,

to become the hum of being

as being of the ever expanding energies

of the universal of the all . . .

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