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Thursday, February 18, 2021

I have wings

the measures of existence

from the mindset of observation

achievements as ridge-lines in memory's sky

the foreground landscape 

of accomplishment

the sequences of events 

as glitter reflectively remembered

the bask of meaning 

as windows privately seen through

the grip of one's own human body 

as pen or key pad from usage

the script of one's personality 

across the many timely pages

the wonderments 

that randomly pass before one's mind

the philosophy of life and death 

made tall mountain-evident

what expectations of the story tellers 

is to follow

from friends, family, 

to carry the up and down stories 

and the concise 

and inadvertent wisdom presented

all of the shaping, the molding, 

and the carriage

and then the arrival 

of these intimate immediacies

now down to the awareness 

of the present

the breath 

as if an instrument 

of internal hand-holding carriage

the embers off the spirit of those around

the fire-pit of caring warmly realized 

as also oneself

how gravity lied 

and time got so silent

how much the stream 

of personal investment meant

from where emotion took refuge 

but otherwise concealed

the inability to give it all back 

or give it all away

to drown or rise in the passing 

of these as concerns

still point seeks my attention

I have wings 

as existence was only the breeze

the adventure is on 

and the otherworldliness beckons 

as if calling . . .

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