(at the intersection of life)
every conclusion made is a stance in a denial
authenticity is not accounted for by a pose
introspection works
by a different set of reality-rules
sincerity and honesty live
in different distinct worlds
mindfulness is a forum
of mental interpretation
outward expression is the clay
the artist of being uses
we are all captives of our projections
to others
what we say and what we do
hardly walk a straight line
life is privately a coming-out party
to oneself
we are a busload of selves
that each get to drive at some point
one's identity is grades
from personality projection tests
the concept of self is a moral mishap
ever unfolding
self is a reality-john
looking to get beyond the scheming
all the rules of self are a con
to the collective of us
self is a surrender stance
making captivity inevitable
sorry state if self survived
on selfishness personified
for self is a worst case scenario
of spirit unrealized
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