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Friday, June 23, 2023

immersion doesn't wag

the fundamental basis of immersion 

is that everything is in motion

and that the nature of identification

has no singular things to it.

how referencing identifies,

and falsely claims its essence as separate,

as if in a time-space continuum. 

when those are the mechanics 

of our state of reasoning

as a perceptual and experiential style.

we do relatedness 

as our means of comprehension.

the universe does not have the separateness

as its means of disclosure or presence.

we have a measure of integration

as in time and space measures.

when we make cogitation the relevancy,

by taking the mind version into account,

that does not make for the efficiency of the universe.

we are in a medium of observation as sensory input

while the universe specifically functions around us.

as consciousness, we have very limited frequency range.

as sensorially receptive, at best, we theorize 

in gross replicative models, 

attempting to get to source

but not becoming of source.

just with mentality-aware of source

is our own fundamental way of non-integration.

we, at best, observe but do not immerse. 

we don't become, 

we relate and acquire resemblances. 

we are an essence with a wagging tail.

hard for us to leave 

the wagging behind . . .

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