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Thursday, June 15, 2023

a common theme knocked on the door

I am glad that this common theme is out there.

it is a frame of reference 

to be conversationally focused through.

maybe the actualizing element needed

for the birth of species awareness, 

and a redo of planet awareness into alignment

or actual self-consciousness recaptured.

certainly the end of the secrecy of some of the self

or maybe the initial acknowledgment 

of a oneness factor of relevance.

at least, it is the conclusionary reality 

that is attempted to be framed 

by the consensus of the new normal.

it can't be technology saving our asses,

as if one more time

by doing the same mindset over and over.

the only way out is by raising consciousness.

otherwise this maze is the matrix 

that we so commonly debate about, 

of its real existence.

our expectation is the birthing room of our negatives. 

derogatory in us then names them.

our conclusions cut each and every cord. 

yet the mother in all of us 

can't avoid the next thoughts of it.

how far do we have to go

until how deep do we have to see

becomes the next measure of truth be told?

and then when will the common theme

actually, birth something beyond expectation's reach?

something from within,

that does not yield to strategies applied,

that is not a government subsidy subtly presented,

that gets past race and gender in its focus,

that multiples of species in its dance,

and makes it clear,

that this planet is not just a staging arena

for human act-outs to be presented.

yes, that kind of reach,

as if delivered unexpectedly . . .

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