oneness is not a mental concept in its construction.
oneness is a heart-brain construction.
oneness is from the fabric of emotional intelligence.
oneness is not based on the frequencies of think
but is foundationally sourced from emotional frequencies.
fear counts on mental frequencies
for its impactful overage of control.
but there is an awareness intelligence
that is not based on sensory input
as the mandate for what it is attentive to.
the human act-out is the nature
of the conundrum of experience.
and as long as experience is mentally ordained,
language is made to do the work of the mental dominion.
but the feel-state, by frequency access,
outflanks the mind-state range of occupancy.
there is greater receptivity from the heart-brain
in a vaster array of frequency accesses
than there is in the mind state.
the mind state works for discernment
under the assumption of the definition of itself.
the heart-brain works from the connectivity of oneness
and not from the definition of self ever ascertaining.
in the mind-state, the creation of the computer
is the consensual definition
as the representation of oneness.
and the design of the computer of the mind
is its bicameral sense of self-definition,
in that it only, by the nature of conclusions,
agrees to agreement.
the heart-brain is a resonate brain,
which is in reception to greater frequencies
that are outside the brain range of strictly cognitional.
but the heart-brain is part of the quantum reality
that humans simultaneously exist in,
beyond, behind, and beneath what the brain registers
as relevancy.
we are preoccupied with the conundrum
of fear-driven reality in this, the world of selfdom.
the preoccupation of selfdom techniques and technology
terminates into the egoistic representation
established by the concept and usage of money
in the mindset of value to humans,
until the human predicament is one superior mind-self
and everyone is in attribute recognition and honoring of it.
the difficulty is when and where that happens.
when and where all minds are in service to one mind,
that also becomes the unacknowledged technique
of the birth of oneness,
yet undisclosed to the self-mind in its govern-ship.
all practices of mind dominance are also
the practices of oneness deep within, yet undiscovered.
mind dominance is always unconsciously in pursuit
of the evolution of oneness forthcoming.
and the deeper truth is that
that is the result of this,
not value but love.
in that light, love becomes the one transitional word
that defies mental definition as its home base.
the word love is the one word that has definitional meaning
outside of the mind constructed of time
in the presence of space.
it is the admittance of the living truth, creatively enterprised
rather than a spoken truth,
that lives in the finality of time and space occupancy.
bitcoin and blockchain are positive constructions
towards that end as opposed to war and imprisonment,
as negative approaches to the same endpoint
of mind-occupancy and cognitive certitude.
mindfulness is committed to
the audience-aspect of experience.
therefore human act-out feeds upon themselves,
as the selves of themselves.
there is nothing of generative radiance in that mindstate.
that greater quality of broadcast only comes
from the heart state
and travels more in subtle frequencies
that are emotionally generative
and not mentally ordained.
this is a deeper truth of the origin
of the manifest of physicality
in that, as humans, we occupy bodies.
whereby sexuality, as a hormone-driven premise,
is one of the basic themes of experience entry
and subsequent participation.
one of the fundamental problems of mental certitude
is definiteness,
which is up against the concept of ongoing time.
in an attempt to resolve that issue
there is the creation of computer intelligence
or the constancy of the current moment
in reference to the ongoingness of time.
the difficulty about that particular technique
as a process,
is that it needs to create material in referential ways
that is of a method of certitude
and also of dimensional limitations
rather than expansiveness into ever expansiveness,
as an ongoing theory of being in the now.
a metaphor for all of this is,
imagine that there is a river flowing
and a human's concept is to take hand-fulls,
glasses full or buckets full in some effortful respects
to direct and contain the river's volume and direction.
while in a heartfelt way,
that version is to go into the river
and become the water of the river
and learn the wisdom, the energetic dynamics
and the vibrational isness of the flow.
and therefore control is discovered to mean surrender
to a greater sense of integrities
than mindfulness can conceptually embrace.
all of reality is mentally metaphorical
until emotional oneness is quantum realized . . .