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Sunday, January 16, 2022

weather as a necessity

my lips are thermalized

from my breath being hot air.

I kiss the surround 

with my attention paid

and bite the ground with my sight

that stares back at me.

maybe this is just a cold morning

and I am self heat-conscious.

why do I live 

where weather is so formalized.

I need to be where weather is

a background conversation

in almost monotone deliveries.

where weather-heat is like warm breath

and the living room 

is almost always outdoors.

these snippets of cold mornings 

are shocking.

I might as well be in a flood zone,

and I need to dress properly,

for the wading through the rest of the day.

I don't want weather as impending.

sure, living near the equator 

has its drawbacks.

sunrise and sunsets are way too fast.

there is a need to be coastal,

as a complimentary breeze 

is almost a necessity.

but the overall is sensorially becoming. 

freeze, froze and frozen should be

a travel-land I need not go,

even though there is nothing quite like 

overdressing for the day's activities.

using gravity is as a must

for skying, snowboarding, 

or just plain gravity defying 

for mountain ascent.

I wanted slow-dance weather,

a looking glass environment inviting,

weather that agrees 

with body-heat relevance

and not posing as abrupt or haughty 

in the facing of it.

please, no post-its 

featuring weather conditions.

cold makes me feel 

like minimum aura-contained.

I wanted body heat personality presence,

just minimum clothes 

and activity in exchange,

with less of self-abutment 

of weather in my face.

I want weather that is inviting,

without having to be purpose-bound.

I need a weather 

where we are temperament cooperative,

something to wake up into

and feel absolutely charisma aligned . . .

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