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Wednesday, January 5, 2022

a very thin line

there is a very thin line between 

the unregulatedness of think

and the over-regulatedness of thought.

one thin layer of aware,

between that which suddenly appears

and that which streams by

in the awareness flow on mindful video.

one tests the imagination as to relevancy,

while the other carries a scent of intrigue.

funny, the comparison of the sheen 

from one side,

looking at that veil,

and the sheer depth of vacancy, 

looking from the other side.

one look is all about reality propaganda,

while the other is

a wonderland of improbable 

manifesting forth.

one makes for a homeland,

while the other seems dreamland composed.

life, always on the looking glass, 

staring in either direction.

hard to express, 

when language is so sided.

one voice is supportive and definite,

while the other voice 

is speculative and questioning.

one casts shadows in all directions,

while the other has views 

that defy word-lighting.

one has a warehouse of placement teeming,

the other has images 

that float on weightless sightings.

how can a veil be so refinely thin,

yet so absolutely definite 

in determination's cause?

I have this wading pool of a mind.

I get to surface swim all I want.

but also I can dive deep in

and not worry about breath availability.

no dive tanks of suspicion to labor with.

no weighty swim gear to manage.

just implausibles commingling,

with reality possibles, easily availed,

yet the texture feel of each world 

is so different.

one has memory and is eventually taxing,

while the other seems vastly available,   

but always curiously so.

for me, it is always questionable,

as to what think brings to thought,

as opposed to what thought brings to think.

I don't experience it as a fair exchange, 

certainly not a vast place of intermingle.

while think 

doesn't immediately question the value,

thought is ever so the shopper,

ever in need,

ever to be salivating a sense of value. 

to me, it's a wonder that they have it all

as a free exchange . . . 

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